Saba - 250 ml
Saba - 250 ml
Saba is a delightfully rich, sweet, syrupy condiment. It is made from Trebbiano and Lambrusco grape must. After the grapes are gently crushed and filtered, the mash, or must, is slowly cooked down to reduce by two thirds and concentrate the flavor. It is then aged for 4 years in oak casks. This thickens the must and further develops its flavor. It does not convert to vinegar. The flavor is full of raisin sweetness with a slight tart edge. This sweet-gently tart complexity makes if a perfect condiment for sweet or savory dishes. Here are some of our favorites:
Savory Drizzle:
Roast pork loin or tenderloin
Grilled or sauteed chicken
Roasted vegetables, especially brussels sprouts
Add to a vinaigrette or dressing
Over fresh or aged cheeses
Sweet Drizzle:
Over cheesecake
Ice cream
Bread pudding
Fresh berries
Add a bit to Prosecco
Use in cocktails for a sweet/savory edge